0161 205 6850
07432 142428

"Putting Personalisation Back Into Care"

ASK Healthcare - Respite Support
Whether it’s covering a two-week holiday, a short break, or needed urgently because of sickness or a family emergency, we’re here when you need us to offer one-to-one care from skilled professionals
What is respite care?
Respite care is a temporary or long term care arrangement, often one to two weeks or until care is required, which offers rest or relief to primary support workers.
Caring for citizens can be physically and mentally demanding, and much more than purely handling the day-to-day tasks. Especially when caring for long periods at a time, the emotional strain can take its toll. Respite care is there to provide your main support worker with a break while still ensuring your care needs are met.
Respite care can either be provided through:
Live-in care – where the support worker lives in your house, offering support and company day and night
Visiting care – if you need some extra support for a just a few hours each day or each week
You might also need to arrange short-term care if you have to attend a family emergency or other commitments. Respite care ensures that the citizen you are supporting always has someone there to help them if ever you’re not around.
What does a respite carer do?
Your chosen respite support worker is there to do all the things you normally do. They can live in your home or attend on a visiting basis – we arrange a care plan tailored completely to your needs. An individual support plan is created before any care commences to ensure our support workers meet all of your requirements.
Your support worker's daily tasks could involve:
Nursing care needs, such as catheter or continence support
Personal care, including dressing, showering, and toileting
Mobility support, helping your loved one move around the house
Administering medication at the correct times
Ongoing companionship and emotional support
Cooking meals and fetching the food shopping
Housekeeping, including washing and drying clothes
Arranging visits out, for a break or to see family and friends
Feeding and caring for pets if you have any
Respite support workers also follow the routines you or a loved one are used to. For those living with conditions such as dementia, this consistency of care is incredibly important, we’re constantly striving for the best possible support for citizen's with dementia, helping them to follow the routine they are comfortable with.
Our respite support workers all undertake extensive training at our registered Training Centre, ensuring that they have all the skills needed to help your friend or relative feel supported in the short time you’re away.
How to get respite care...
A simple phone call (0161 205 6850 / 07432 142428) can start the process of setting up care and can give you the opportunity to ask a member of our team any questions you may have, or if you simply just want to know more about the service.
After this a no-obligation home meeting can be set up which gives you the chance to meet with an expert and talk through your package of care. During this time, you will be able to give an insight into your preferences for a support worker which we will work hard to meet. We help to match you with a fully trained support worker who fits into your life and respects your space and dignity at all times.
With live-in carer support for just three days or regular 30-minute visits, the length of time you use this service for is entirely up to you. If your regular support worker is looking to go away for a long weekend or you want a few weeks of support following a hospital discharge, we can tailor a care package to suit you. Keeping in mind your dignity and austerity so you feel as comfortable as possible.