0161 205 6850
07432 142428

"Putting Personalisation Back Into Care"

A S K HealthCare - Provider Of Personalised Home Care.
About A S K HealthCare Ltd
A S K Healthcare Ltd is an independent business which was started in Northwest England. The Management at A S K Healthcare Ltd and has over 25 years of experience in the Health & Social Care Sector.
During this time the management has had various roles supporting the elderly, people with physical or Learning difficulties, challenging behaviour, palliative end of life care, autistic or mental health needs. We have a wealth of experience working for and with community services that specialise in supporting BME communities.
The wealth of experience has given A S K Healthcare the enthusiasm and drive to help adults and children who need care as we have noticed a gap in the market for a provider who never compromises on personalisation, quality and always acts in the best interest of their Service Users.
We embrace diversity and promote equality across all of our functions, services and employment practices. We aim to be fair to everyone regardless of age, disability, race, ethnicity or national origin, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, domestic circumstances, social or employment status
Person centred care
Together with colleagues in social care she has recognised the lack of personalisation in care planning across the board as a result it soon became evident that more needs to be done to prevent the breakdown in delivering personalised care. Having the necessary skills, education and experience, they decided to develop bespoke assessments to utilise personalisation for all service users; that is why ASK Healthcare strive to put “personalisation back into care”, which became the organisations ethos.
What makes ASK Healthcare services different?
Simply, that we put you, the Citizen first and we understand that everyone has there own personal preferences. Our aim is to provide the standard of care that we would want for our own families. This means valuing the unique qualities of each Citizen and seeing the whole person, not just a list of care needs.
Our services are flexible and respond to your changing priorities and needs. We work together with families to keep our Citizens in control of their own care as far as they are able. That’s why we always listen carefully to what you tell us about how you want to receive your care and support.
We keep in regular contact. Building a relationship that you can trust and rely upon is central to how we manage our business.