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ASK Hijama Therapy -

The Alternative Medicine

"The Forgotten Sunnah"

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Discover Hijama cupping. 


Whether it's to perform a Sunnah or as part of a new lifestyle regime, Hijama wet cupping is a great addition to your regular programme.

What Is Hijama?


Hijama, also known as Wet Cupping, is used to remove harmful blood & toxins from your body. The toxic blood is taken out of circulation, by making small incisions on the skin & extracting it using a vacuum pump.


Hijama Therapy is a safe procedure if performed correctly. Unlike drugs and pharmaceutical medications, it has no side effects. It does not inject substances in the body, or prescribe internalising anything. It in fact releases toxic build-up out of the system as opposed to increasing chemical and toxic accumulation .


Cupping has been known since ancient times; Islam came and promoted its status,  confirming its benefits, and the Arabs called it Hijama.

Hijama is considered a natural, complimentary, alternative treatment. It can be used effectivly to treat various conditions, and it is also regarded as a preventative treatment.


 "Hijama is considered a form of energy medicine because it has been claimed to unclog the meridians in the body, and is viewed by some practitioners as a cure that can alleviate black magic and possession". Source Wikipedia




Cupping Hijama is effective in treating many conditions including digestive problems, joint and muscle pain, asthma, sciatica, fever, skin problems, low fertility etc. It improves blood circulation, reduces accumulation of blood and lymph, and maintains a balance of the body’s systems.


Hijama speeds up the flow of the blood and helps to purify your body of toxins. Regular hijama treatments can help to maintain a healthy body.

Hijama helps in detoxifying the blood and stimulating the formation of new blood

Approximately 70% diseases or disorders are caused by the failure of blood to circulate properly in the body. It is noted that hijama promotes the flow of energy in the blood. It removes toxins and other waste material from the blood. It aids recovery from diseases & may increase the effectiveness of conventional medicine.


Hijama is a successful treatment for constipation, diarrhea, headache, backache, injuries, depression, skin problems, arthritis, weight loss and much more.


What are the benefits of cupping?

• To clear stagnation
• To nourish blood supply to the skin and muscles
• To drain and move fluids
• To reduce inflammation
• To expel congestion
• To loosen adhesions
• To stretch muscles and lift connective tissue

Book An Appointment For Your Hijama Therapy Today

Call Us Now On 0161 205 6850 / 07432 142428

£30 per session at clinic / £40 per session on home visit

All Proceeds will go towards the Orphanage in Multan (Please enquire for more info...)

Hijama Practitioners


Misbah Khan Latif


Misbah is a fully qualified Hijama Therapist and also has a background in care for over 25 years.

Misbah is also the Director and Registered Manager of ASK Healthcare Limited.

Misbah performs Hijama on FEMALES ONLY.


Mohammed Shahid Latif


Mohammed is a fully qualified Hijama Therapist

Mohammed performs Hijama on MALES ONLY.


The Prophet Mohammad, PBUH said, “Cupping treatment (Hijama), is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” [Sahih Bukhari 5357] [Sahih Muslimi 1577]

Islamic/Hadeeth References - Hijama


In the narration reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may Allaah be pleased with him) the angels said, “Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping, (hijama).” [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)].


The Prophet Mohammad, PBUH said, “Cupping treatment (Hijama), is the most helpful procedure for human beings to cure themselves.” [Sahih Bukhari 5357] [Sahih Muslimi 1577]


Hijama at the designated time, is beneficial for the treatment of ailments, (Insha-Allah) as mentioned in the Hadeeth; “whoever performs cupping, (hijama), on the 17th, 19th or the 21st day, (of the Islamic calender), then it is a cure for every disease”.

“Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping, (Hijama)”, Sahih Al Bukhari


The Prophet Mohammad, (SAW) said, "Cupping improves the intellect and the memory" (Ibn Majah).


Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) mentions that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) was afflicted with magic and was cupped on the head to treat it. He also mentions that Hijama is from the best of cures for magic if performed correctly..
[Zaad al Ma'aad]

Book An Appointment For Your Hijama Therapy Today

Call Us Now On 0161 205 6850 / 07432 142428

£30 per session at clinic / £40 per session on home visit

All Proceeds will go towards the Orphanage in Multan (Please enquire for more info...)

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